Zinc’s Favorite Selective Summer Programs

Immersive study in a key area of interest is both a meaningful opportunity for growth and a worthwhile addition to a college application. We’re continuing our series on our favorite summer intensives for teens, grouped by subject area. We’re focusing on selective, highly regarded programs that offer exceptional instruction. Many of these programs are online this summer and some are still accepting applicants. Be sure to check program websites for details about application deadlines and entrance requirements.

Here are a few of our favorite programs that focus on arts and writing:



Otis Summer of Art

Rutgers Summer Acting Conservatory


Asian American Journalists Association JCamp

Iowa Young Writers Studio

Kenyon Young Writers Workshop

Sewanee Young Writers Conference (selective, but not too selective)

Do you have a suggestion for an arts or writing program we should add to our list? Please share your experience with us; we’d love to hear from you!